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Purpose - Kids Reading Program


We are developing a Reading Program so that kids of all ages, anywhere in the globe can participate, track their progress through receiving tokens for the amount of minutes they read each day/week.  With these token rewards, they are able to trade them in for fun prizes and rewards from our global corporate sponsors.  


Each 1Minute a student spends reading, he/she will receive 1BOOK token

List of programs that will also be coming in the future

+ May19th 2018 UPDATE:  A school RUNNING program would like a website+mile tracker for kids!!!

+ Partnership with other Children reward based programs

+ Literacy and Mathematics

+ Readers Theater
+ Book Club
+ Creative Writing & Journalism
+ Math, Science and Technology
+ Junior Achievement Enrichment


Our Projected Roadmap

+ Alpha Stage - Develop Website with OST integration

+ Beta Stage - Develop Partnership & Seek Corporate sponsorship for Awards

+ Early Field Trial Stage - Accept student/schools to join Early Field Trial

+ Limited Marketing acceptance

+ Open to public



This program is NOT live at this time and still undergoing development.  

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